Council 3956 November 2023 Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!

GOD Invented Thanksgiving. Would you agree? After all, all that is good in this world is from God. So, Thank him first. Recall all that is good in your life and find a way to thank the Lord by helping others, here through the Knights of Columbus.

When I joined this council of the Knights of Columbus, it was Dave Sadjak that recruited me. As you will read, Dave has relocated to Florida where he is still active in the St. Anthony Council. Dave was among several officers that welcomed me. People like Tony Cerezo who we lost several years ago, Bob LaForest who I knew when my kids were attending St. Pius school, Ray Bilyk who still inspires me and Dave who I try to stay in touch with. These are the best examples of what a good man is.

I joined with a group of men that continue to give so much of their time and energy. Mark Garcellano is our Grand Knight; Bill Robert is our Past Grand Knight and Bob Schooner was our Past Deputy Grand Knight. Each of them still usher with me at 11:00 mass on Sundays. Now we are blessed by a new group of fine men who have taken on the challenge that is the Knights of Columbus. I won’t name them so as not to forget one or another. Our council has flourished with men who were here before me, joined with me others who become a member more recently. I know there are others among us, perhaps yourself who is ready to be the best version of yourself by becoming more active and volunteering for any of our necessary charitable works.

This month’s articles are among the best I have ever had the privilege to work with. Father Suresh was kind enough to share one of his recent homilies about how we should not expect life to be fair but to know that God is. I hope to see you at mass and are our next event. Read on to find out more.  

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.


Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Newsletter Editor

K of C Newsletter November 2023