Council 3956 Newsletter – September 2019

Brother Knights.
Please see attached, fresh off the presses, our fifth edition of our Knights of Columbus Newsletter. 
Please take the time to read through all the activities we are involved in and search for any one or more that are deserving of your time. We need you!
We look forward to you joining us at our next meeting on October 2nd in the Social Hall. Join us at 6:00 for a fellowship dinner before the meeting that begins at 7:00 p.m.
We hope to also see you at our first Euchre Tournament at the Social Hall on Saturday October 5th, beginning at 7:00 p.m.
To assure all Brother Knights are receiving our newsletter, you may also receive a copy directly from our council page.
God Bless,
Tony Chirco,
Your Editor

Council 3956 Newsletter – August 2019

Brother Knights,

Please see attached the Fourth edition of our Knight of Columbus Council 3956 Newsletter for August, 2019.
Our hope is that not only does it provide information, but also inspires you to share with the Knights of Columbus, your God given talents to help those in need. We encourage you to come be a part of the St. Pius Festival this Labor Day weekend. Join us in the coin toss booth at the game tent and have a great time at YOUR festival!


Tony Chirco, Editor


Council 3956 Newsletter – July 2019

Brother Knights,

Please see attached our newest edition of our Knight of Columbus Council 3956 Newsletter for July 2019.
It is provided not only to inform but to engage your personal talents. We encourage you to share this newsletter with associates and brother knights that are not on this current email list.

Respectfully, Tony Chirco – Editor


March 2019 Regular Business Meeting moved to Wednesday, March 13th at 7PM

Update from DGK Bill Robert:

Dear Knights,

Our Grand Knight, Bob LaForest, has confirmed that our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 13th. Donut Sunday is March 24. Please try to attend this upcoming meeting.
Deputy Grand Knight
Bill Robert