Author: kofc3956admin
Downriver K of C Diamond Jack River Cruise Fundraiser
Council 3956 Calendar of Events as of 06-06-2016
Here is our first Calendar of Events for the 2016-17 Fraternal Year. The events are current as of 06-06-2016
Council 3956 Meeting – 6/1/16 – St Pius Social Hall
Annual Election of Council Officers THIS WEDNESDAY, June 1st at 7PM – St Pius Social Hall
Brother Knights,
Here are the nominated Brother Knights so far:
Office (Vote for ONE) | Nominated Brother Knight |
Grand Knight | Ray Bilyk |
Deputy Grand Knight | Dave Sajdak |
Chancellor | Ron Cassette |
Recorder | Scott Corso (pending acceptance of nomination) |
Treasurer | Walt Kabalka |
Advocate | Dr Okechukwu Unogu |
Warden | Scott Corso (pending acceptance of nomination) David Hughes |
Inside Guard | Darryl Zilka |
Outside Guard | Dan McGuire |
Three Year Trustee | Larry Rossi |
NOMINATIONS ARE NOT CLOSED! If you are considering running for a Council position, please attend this very important meeting, where nominations are open one more time before the election during this same meeting. YOU can make a difference in our Council! Consider becoming an Officer! Here is a hand out that explains the basics for each position – Duties of Council Officers. Contact Grand Knight Ray Bilyk ( if you have any questions.
Also at the meeting, I can’t wait to show you what we won at the Michigan State Convention and what happened while FS Tony Cerezo and I were there.
There will be a cruise fundraiser on the Diamond Jack Riverboat on Wednesday, July 27th. Tickets are $25 per person or $45 per couple (a $5 savings). See the attached flyer for more details – boat-trip-2016! (We have only 16 tickets, and 4 are already sold!)
The 11th Annual Downriver Knights Family Picnic is on Saturday, August 6th at the Lake Erie Metropark. $8 per family/carload includes park admission! More information to follow or check out
See you all on Wednesday! God Bless You! God Bless America!
Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
5th Annual St. Pius X Motorcycle Blessing – May 21 at 8:30AM
The Bernard P. O’Brien Knights of Columbus Council #3956 will be hosting the 5th Annual Motorcycle Blessing on Saturday, May 21st at 8:30 a.m. in the St. Pius parking lot.
Fr. Bob will individually bless each motorcycle and driver to keep them safe during the upcoming season.
Coffee and donuts will be served. The first 60 people will receive a reflective decal for their motorcycle or helmet and T-shirts will be available for purchase for $10.00 (call ahead if you want a shirt as they will be limited).
All are welcome, parish and non-parish members. For more information, you can contact Brian Batko at or 734-284-4546 or the Parish Office at 734-285-1100.
Council 3956 Meeting Reminder – Wednesday, May 4th at 7PM
My Brother Knights,
VIVAT JESUS! This is just a reminder that there is a Regular Business Meeting on Wednesday, May 4th starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.
We will be opening nominations for Council Officers at that time. If you are interested in helping our Council by becoming an Officer, please attend this meeting. If you would like to know more about a specific position, feel free to attend the meeting or email me (raybilyk(at) If you cannot attend the meeting, but are interested in running for a position, please email me as well. After tonight, nominations will be tabled until the June 1st Regular Business Meeting, where we will ask for nominations once more, close nominations and elect Officers.
NOTE: You must be a 3rd Degree member by June 30th in order to become an Officer. (Don’t worry… there are still 2nd and 3rd Degree Initiations being held before then…)
Hope to see you all there! God Bless!
Ray Bilyk – Grand Knight
Tootsie Roll Drive on Palm Sunday Weekend – Need your help!
On Palm Sunday weekend (March 18, 19 and 20) throughout Michigan, Knights of Columbus Councils will be out on the streets and at Church entrances soliciting donations to help people with mental impairments. Bernard P. O’Brien Council #3956 will be one of them… and we NEED YOUR HELP!
On Friday, March 18th and Saturday, March 19th, we will be out at pre-approved street intersections in Southgate soliciting donations, and on Saturday, March 19th and Sunday, March 20th after every Mass at St. Pius X Parish, we will will be asking for donations (and passing out Tootsie Roll candies of course).
We are asking all of our Brother Knights to take an hour or more this weekend and live in practice one of the pillars of our Order: Charity! Please come out and help us solicit donations, especially on Friday and Saturday. We are allowed to solicit donations from just after sunrise until just before sunset.
If you can help or have any questions, please email our Chairman Ron Wagner at – Any time you can give us will be appreciated… not just by me, but by those with intellectual disabilities.
Thank you, and I hope to see you all this weekend!!!
Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
Charity Family Breakfast THIS WEEKEND! Help needed!
On Sunday, March 13, after every Mass, Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 is hosting a Charity Family Breakfast at the St Pius X Social Hall, with the proceeds going towards the St. Pius X Catholic School Emergency Tuition Program. We will have Eggs, Sausage, Pancakes, Fruit, plus juice and coffee, all for a free will offering. Of course, we are also taking donations and will be asking eligible Catholic gentlemen to join our Council.
Brother Knights, we can use your help! We are having a Membership Drive after all the Masses this weekend and during the Charity Family Breakfast itself. We also need some people to assist in prep and cutting fruit starting at 3pm Saturday. On Sunday, you can arrive starting at 7:30am and help with the preparation and distribution of the breakfast to our guests. Any time that you can donate would be appreciated! You can stay for an hour or all morning!
See you all this weekend!
Council 3956 Business Meeting – Wednesday, March 2nd at 7PM
Just a reminder to all of the Brother Knights that there will be a very important Business Meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall. ALL Brother Knights are expected and encouraged to attend.
As was discussed at last month’s meeting, we will no longer be having a meal prior or following the meeting. Please plan accordingly.
We have A LOT to discuss, as this will be a very busy month:
- We are hosting a Vatican Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles on March 5 and 6
- We are hosting our monthly Charity Family Breakfast on March 13
- We are holding our annual Drive to Help the Mentally Impaired (Tootsie Roll Drive) on March 18-20
We are discussing the results of our previous events. There may even be a surprise or two at the meeting…
With all of this activity, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK! Please attend this very important meeting this Wednesday. Hope to see you all there!