Wednesday, January 3, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6PM – Meeting at 7PM |
For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person. PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND IN PERSON IF YOU CAN! Please check your email for one with this information. In it is also the link to the December 2022 Meeting Minutes. To shorten the time for our meetings, we will not be reading the minutes at the meeting. It is your responsibility to review those minutes. A motion will be entertained to approve the minutes as they were sent. (NOTE: If you did NOT receive an email with a link to the minutes, please contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at Topic: K of C Council 3956 Regular Business Meeting (St Pius Social Hall and Zoom) Time: January 3, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 898 0409 6888 One tap mobile Find your local number: |
Author: kofc3956admin
K of C Council 3956 December 2022 Newsletter
Brother Knight and Friends,
Happy Holy Days to you all. Our Calendar is full of Holy Days, but none more anticipated than the celebration of our Lord’s birth on Christmas Day. Special thanks to the newsletter team; DD Ray Bilyk, GK Mark Garcellano, DGK Dave Kudla, PGK Bill Robert, Deacon Chuck Dault, Program Director Brian Batko, Richard Gregiore, and Co-Editor Robert Park. Each has taken the time to provide for you some insight into what was, is and will be in store for our Knights of Columbus Council.
This month we added a few new twists: We begin with the history of advent, including a link to learn more. Our invitation to our next meeting now includes a summary of topics to be put forward. We wrap in up (thank you Brian) with a Catholic Crossword Puzzle. Answers will be on our website. (No cheating). Attendance has grown at our recent meetings. Come see why and visit some old friends on Wednesday, December 7th, starting at 6:00 pm in the Social Hall.
May you and all those you love have a Blessed and Merry Christmas. May the year ahead bring fulfillment of our potential and good health in body, mind, and spirit.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee
K of C Newsletter December 2022St. Pius Christmas Concert featuring John Tibbs CANCELLED/POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING!
Unfortunately due to a family situation with our featured performer, we have to cancel/reschedule this event until spring.
For any questions, please email Please keep his family in your prayers and thank you for your understanding.

Fraternal Benefits Night – TONIGHT, November 29th starting at 8PM – “Who Wants to be a Millionaire?”
K of C Council 3956 November 2022 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
Now as Thanksgiving Day approaches, let this newsletter help you find your way. The men that have contributed have taken the time and energy to send you a message. Please take the time, first to read through, including the flyers and allow yourself to be inspired by their messages. The newsletter is not just a list of what we have done and what we are planning to do; but a call for each of us to join together for the common good.
Come to our next meeting, Wednesday, December 7, 2022 beginning at 6:00 p.m. in the Social Hall. Dinner will be served. Bring your own thoughts of what you want to get out of your Knights of Columbus. In the meantime, come to church and speak to one of the ushers about what would inspire you to get involved.
Happy Thanksgiving to all and God Blessings to you and your family!
Anthony (Tony) Chirco,
PR Director, Trustee and Newsletter Editor
K of C Newsletter November 2022K of C Council 3956 October 2022 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
A picture is worth a thousand words. Indeed they are. Grand Knight Mark Garcellano’s message this month is short on words, but his collection of photos from this past summer’s events speaks volumes. I’m sure there will be more pictures to share with many of our upcoming events. Please come be a part of these activities and show off your good looks.
Among the pictures that start our October newsletter are from Florida in the aftermath of Hurricane Ian. Yet, with the ravages of the storm, a statue of our Blessed Virgin Mary was spared. It’s remarkable and showcases God’s power and protection.
Coats for Kids is well underway, so are the many activities we have to help our St. Pius students, including the recent Soccer challenge and Trunk or Treat later this month. We are also planning to raise money for St. Cabrini in Parrish, Florida that had their memorial garden devastated by hurricane Ian. Father Bob would quote “Many hand make for light work”. Come lend us and our community your hands.
Finally, we have a responsibility as citizens of our church and nation to vote. Please don’t forget, there is a lot at stake. Tuesday, November 8th is election day!
Tony Chirco
PR Director, Trustee and Newsletter Editor
K of C Newsletter October 2022K of C Council 3956 September 2022 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
As we get close to the fall season, many of the familiar events are approaching. Not just the cooling temperatures and the changing colors of the leaves, but the return of Doughnut Sundays and Charity Family Breakfast. Fund raising such as Coats for Kids has begun and soon enough our Tootsie Roll drive for the mentally impaired is already being planned. All of this and so much more has been written up for you in our September newsletter attached.
We have had a busy year. Much of it for fun. We had picnics, and boat cruising, beer nights and dinners together. We really are having a great time, Mostly, because we love what we do and who we do it with. It’s nice to be around people that genuinely care about each other and our families.
There are very inspiring articles by Deacon Chuck, Grand Knight Mark Garcellano and each of our officers and directors. I truly encourage you to read cover to cover. It’s worth it. Finally, read the challenge to take “baby steps” towards fulfilling God’s purpose for you and “have a chance get a taste of what we do and why it is so fulfilling for us”.
Tony Chirco
PR Director, Trustee and Newsletter Editor
K of C Newsletter September 2022Fraternal Benefits Night – Thursday, September 15th – 8:30PM
2022 Book and Media Sale for Pallottine African Missions – Sept 9-11 in Wyandotte
September 2022 Business Meeting Notice
Wednesday, September 7, 2022 – Food/Fraternalism at 6PM – Meeting at 7PM |
For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person. PLEASE TRY TO ATTEND IN PERSON IF YOU CAN! Please check your email for one with this information. In it is also the link to the August 2022 Meeting Minutes. To shorten the time for our meetings, we will not be reading the minutes at the meeting. It is your responsibility to review those minutes. A motion will be entertained to approve the minutes as they were sent. (NOTE: If you did NOT receive an email with a link to the minutes, please contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at Topic: K of C Council 3956 Regular Business Meeting (St Pius Social Hall and Zoom) Time: September 7, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada) Meeting ID: 898 0409 6888 One tap mobile Find your local number: |