K of C Council 3956 August 2022 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

Below is the link for our newsletter for August 2022. You will notice that there are several more articles from more of our officers and directors. One common theme is service to community. A resonating message as we gear up for the St. Pius X One Day Parish Festival this Saturday, August 20th from Noon to 11:00 p.m.

Please make a point to volunteer for a few hours at the festival and spend some time supporting this very important and crucial event for our parish. Remember also to attend our Downriver K of C picnic at Centennial Park on Grosse Ile, the following Saturday, August 27th. Bring the whole family.

Finally, please take time to read and reflect on the Prayer of the Month. Service with a joyful heart…with gentleness, compassion, and tenderness…

I look forward to seeing each of you at the Festival and then the following Saturday at the Downriver Picnic.


Tony Chirco
Trustee, PR Director, and Newsletter Editor


K of C Newsletter August 2022

CALLING ALL COOKS: Special Olympics Unified Games – Volunteers needed

The Special Olympics Unified Games needs our help!

Special Olympics has chosen Detroit as the host for their international soccer tournament! Michigan Knights of Columbus will be preparing and serving dinner for the Special Olympics Unified Games on Friday, August 5th at the Corner Ballpark in Detroit. We expect to serve bagged meals to 800-1,000 participants. We encourage you to volunteer for this special opportunity. Please note that your family members are welcome to sign up (14+ years only) but all minors must be accompanied by an adult at all times. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Zahn, District Deputy #114, at (248) 238-3541 or dd114@mikofc.org
If you can, please volunteer for this! The dinner will be prepared and served on August 5th. We need your help to prepare and serve the food to the Special Olympic participants.

Date: Friday, August 5, 2022
Location: The Corner Ballpark, 1680 Michigan Ave, Detroit, MI 48216
3 Shifts:

  • 2-4pm – Setup (Includes preparing grills, tents, food prep line, food serving line, etc.)
  • 3:30-7pm – Cooking & Serving (Includes grilling chicken breasts, assembling chicken sandwiches, loading items into the serving bag, distributing food to the participants, etc.)
  • 6:30-8:30pm – Cleanup (Includes packing up any unused food, cleaning the food prep and serving area, removing tents & grills, etc.)

To sign up: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0e4da5a62ba2ffc43-special

Volunteer Opportunities – All are Welcome to Participate!

Whether you are a Brother Knight, or would just like to volunteer with us and ‘try us out’, we have some volunteer opportunities for all of you!

2nd Annual Tony Cerezo Memorial Golf Tournament – Volunteer Opportunities
Saturday, August 6, 2022

St Pius Festival – Volunteer Opportunities
Saturday, August 20, 2022
Hot Dog Booth

Dime Toss Booth

K of C Council 3956 July 2022 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

We begin our newsletter this month focusing on our 2nd Annual Tony Cerezo Memorial Golf Outing. This year the proceeds will go the Sacred Hear Major Seminarians. As we know, there is a shortage of men entering the priesthood. This makes it all the more important for this year’s golf outing to be a success. If you are a golfer, this a bargain for 18 holes of golf, plus breakfast combo, gift bags, a great lunch and a trophy up for grabs, and prizes. Volunteers are needed as well. This is very much worthy of your time. Encourage your friends as well to join in the fun.

Please read on as the other messages and announcements are important to our community. As Deacon Chuck articulates, “we must be vigilant, faithful to the cause, standing up for those who cannot” and Brother Robert Park our co-editor that “we are reminded how God wants us to live”.

God Bless all of us and our families.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee


K of C Newsletter July 2022

K of C Council 3956 June 2022 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

Click below for our council’s newsletter for June 2022. Please take the time to read messages from our Grand Knight Bill Robert to step forward and give of yourself to earn that inner peace by doing God’s work. Deacon Chuck shares his story of Stone Soup and how it illustrates a little contribution from many make it easier on everybody. Each of our officers’ messages gives a perspective unique to them. All are worthy of you time to read and react.

Fathers, we are the caretakers, the role models, the counselors, the consolers, the protectors, and the teachers to our children. With all that experience, we are naturally the best people to share our skills with our community as a member of the Knights of Columbus.

Happy Father’s Day!

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee


K of C Newsletter June 2022

K of C Council 3956 May 2022 Newsletter

Brother and Friends,

The sun is up, the birds are singing, and spring is in the air! It’s a great time to be alive. Yes. There is a great deal that needs fixing in our world, but we are just the kind of people to make it better. One step at a time. Let’s start walking. A new board of officers are excited to get us on our way. Please remember to be at our next meeting on Wednesday, June 1st beginning with a social hour at 6:00 p.m. – Meeting to start at 7:00 p.m.

Come help the students of St. Pius as we join to make their lives better on their Field Day, on Monday June 6th.

Here is the link for the volunteer signups for St. Pius X Field Day below:

St. Pius X School Field Day

Have a Blessed and Happy Memorial Day. Remember those we honor.
God Bless you and your families!
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
P.R. Director, Newsletter Editor and Trustee

Downriver K of C Diamond Jack River Cruise Fundraiser 2022 – IT’S BACK!

Tuesday, July 19th – 7PM
Bishop Park in Wyandotte to the Bridges (North route)
$30 per person or 2 for $50 (What a Bargain!)
Pizza and Snacks Provided – Cash Bar – 50/50

This is open to ANYONE! ALL ARE WELCOME!

Contact DD/PGK Ray Bilyk by email raybilyk@kofc3956.org or text to 313-247-2110 to get tickets!


K of C Council 3956 April 2022 Newsletter

Friends and Brother Knights,

I have a special request. Our meeting on Wednesday, May 4th begins with our social hour at 6:00 pm, followed by our general meeting and election of officers. We will elect our Grand Knight along with a new board of fresh faces. Please take the time to come. It will mean a lot to those of use that serve so diligently and your parish community.

I look forward to a full house.

God Bless you and your families this Easter Season and always.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Editor and PR Director
K of C Council 3956


K of C Newsletter April 2022