Volunteers Needed – Coats for Kids Distribution in Ecorse

Brother Knights, Family and Friends of Council 3956 (and District 105),

District 105 (hosted by Robert Jones Council 3956) is having a Coats for Kids Distribution THIS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13th at St. André Bessette Parish (4250 W Jefferson Ave, Ecorse, MI 48229) from 10AM to 1PM.

We need VOLUNTEERS to help with setup, distribution and cleanup for this event!!! Please plan on being there by 9AM to assist with setup, but if you can’t make it then, please come anyway to assist. Many hands make light work!!!

Information about the Coats for Kids Program can be found here: https://www.kofc.org/en/what-we-do/faith-in-action-programs/community/coats-for-kids.html

PDF Flyer

Contact District Deputy Ray Bilyk if you have any questions!

KnightCast Returns November 11

KnightCast is a groundbreaking new video series from the Knights of Columbus with the aim of engaging today’s Catholic men in a compelling conversation about the Catholic Faith and their own, personal growth as they lead their families in service to the Church. Featuring host Jonathan Reyes as well as guests and subject matter experts in each episode, KnightCast seeks to cover topics ranging from sports and marriage to evangelization and the Saints. New episodes premiere each month at kofc.org/knightcast.

K of C Council 3956 October 2021 Newsletter

We are so excited to become more of a partner with our St. Pius School, its administration, staff and students. They have been nothing short of amazing at helping us with our goals to build a better community. We hope that through reading this newsletter, you too will recognize we each have an obligation to fulfill our purpose of doing good deeds through and with each other. Have a wonderful and peace filled month.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, PR Director


K of C Newsletter October 2021

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED THIS WEEKEND – M.I. Drive for Mentally Impaired (Tootsie Roll Drive)

Brother Knights, family and friends,

Thanks to our Council Warden Larry Rossi, we got permission to solicit funds (and hand out Tootsie Rolls) on this Friday, Saturday and Sunday at the intersection of Eureka and Dix/Toledo Roads from 9AM to 4PM.

WE NEED VOLUNTEERS to make this weekend a success!

We are also soliciting donations at ALL of the St. Pius X Parish doors after all of the Masses (Saturday 4PM Mass, and Sunday 9AM and 11AM Masses).

If you can help at the intersection (even an hour is helpful), please contact Brother Larry Rossi by email at TootsieRollDrive@kofc3956.org

If you can help at the Saturday 4PM and Sunday 9AM Masses, please contact Program Director Brian Batko by email at TootsieRollDrive@kofc3956.org

If you can help at the Sunday 11AM Mass, please contact Grand Knight Bill Robert by email at TootsieRollDrive@kofc3956.org
We really need everyone’s help to make this a successful event! Remember the lesson of the First Degree… Charity!

Passing of Martina Teresa McGuire, Mother of Brother Knight Dan McGuire

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Martina Teresa McGuire, Mother of Brother Knight Dan McGuire.

The Visitation Services  will be Friday, October 8, 2021 at Molnar Funeral Home, Southgate Chapel at 14032 Northline Road from 2pm to 8pm. The Mass of Resurrection is Saturday, October 9, 2021 at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 14101 Superior in Southgate at 11am.

May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

K of C Council 3956 September 2021 Newsletter

Good September evening to you all.
Attached is our September newsletter. Our Doughnut Sunday is returning this weekend. Look forward to seeing your shining faces. Have a blessed month!

Tony Chirco,
PR Director


K of C Newsletter September 2021

K of C Council 3956 August 2021 Newsletter

Brother Knights and friends,
Attached is our K of C Council 3956 Newsletter for August, 2021. This has been the busiest month I can recall. Please take the time to learn why we need your help. Please remember our next dinner/meeting is Wednesday, September 1st in the social hall. Plan to be there.
Thank you,
Tony Chirco, PR Director

Passing of Brother Knight Bob Dorosz – Rosary on Sunday at 7PM

Brother Knights and family,

It is with great sadness that I notify you of the passing of Brother Knight Bob Dorosz on July 23rd.. He was a very active member of our Council for a long time, and he will be missed.

Visitation for Brother Bob is Sunday, July 25th at Czopek Funeral Home, 2157 Oak St, Wyandotte, MI.
Our Council will be saying a Rosary for him at 7:00PM.

Funeral for Brother Bob will be Monday, July 26th.at St. Pius X Parish.
In state: 10:30AM
Funeral: 11:00AM

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.