K of C Council 3956 Meeting Reminder – Wednesday, November 2nd at 7PM (St. Pius X Social Hall)

VIVAT JESUS! I hope that you’re joining other Brother Knights and families in this country in praying the nine day Election Novena. If you are not, learn more about it here:

This is just a reminder that there is a Regular Business Meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.

We have a lot of activities coming up (Christmas Concert, Charity Family Breakfast, HCCC/Boysville sweatshirt donations, etc.), so I hope that you can join us!

If you can’t join us, consider signing up for the following activities:
Charity Family Breakfast signup (get the good jobs early) – http://www.SignUpGenius.com/go/409084BAAAE29ABFF2-kofc1
Selling Christmas Concert Tickets after weekend Masses – http://www.SignUpGenius.com/go/409084BAAAE29ABFF2-signup

I’m attaching a copy of the flyer for the Christmas Concert. Please print and hang it up at locations where we can get some visability. We’re also looking for sponsors from area businesses. We have a letter that you can use to solicit sponsorships. We are also looking for Brother Knights to take and sell tickets to friends and family (10 to start per Brother Knight). Contact me for details on both.

Hope to see you all there! God Bless!

Ray Bilyk – Grand Knight

Charity Family Breakfast THIS WEEKEND! Help needed!


On Sunday, March 13, after every Mass, Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 is hosting a Charity Family Breakfast at the St Pius X Social Hall, with the proceeds going towards the St. Pius X Catholic School Emergency Tuition Program. We will have Eggs, Sausage, Pancakes, Fruit, plus juice and coffee, all for a free will offering. Of course, we are also taking donations and will be asking eligible Catholic gentlemen to join our Council.

Brother Knights, we can use your help! We are having a Membership Drive after all the Masses this weekend and during the Charity Family Breakfast itself. We also need some people to assist in prep and cutting fruit starting at 3pm Saturday. On Sunday, you can arrive starting at 7:30am and help with the preparation and distribution of the breakfast to our guests. Any time that you can donate would be appreciated! You can stay for an hour or all morning!

See you all this weekend!