Passing of Brother Knight Bob Dorosz – Rosary on Sunday at 7PM

Brother Knights and family,

It is with great sadness that I notify you of the passing of Brother Knight Bob Dorosz on July 23rd.. He was a very active member of our Council for a long time, and he will be missed.

Visitation for Brother Bob is Sunday, July 25th at Czopek Funeral Home, 2157 Oak St, Wyandotte, MI.
Our Council will be saying a Rosary for him at 7:00PM.

Funeral for Brother Bob will be Monday, July St. Pius X Parish.
In state: 10:30AM
Funeral: 11:00AM

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God, rest in peace.

Passing of PGK Frank Racano

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of our fellow Brother Knight and Past Grand Knight Frank Racano. Frank relocated here from New York several years ago to care for his mother and had been experiencing his own health issues. He had been very active in many of our events. It was Frank who proposed our upcoming golf outing and dedication to the memory of Tony Cerezo. Please pray for him, his family, and particularly his mother.

The Visitation Services for Frank Racano will be Monday, June 28, 2021 at Molnar Funeral Home, Southgate Chapel at 14032 Northline Road from 2pm to 4pm and 6pm to 9pm. Rosary at Molnar will be at 7PM, hosted by the St. Pius Rosary Confraternity (Brother Frank was a member), and assisted by our Council. The Mass of Resurrection is Tuesday, June 29, 2021 at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 14101 Superior in Southgate at 8:30, followed by procession to Our Lady of Hope Cemetery.

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

2021 St Pius Motorcycle Blessing – Saturday May 15th

We’re back with the Motorcycle Blessing.  It will be Saturday May 15th starting promptly at 8:30am.  Get there early for breakfast burritos, coffee and donuts.  There will be a ride afterwards. Let me know if you have any questions and please send me an email or text if you plan to attend. See attached flyer and please promote to your family and friends.
Brian Batko, Council 3956 Program Director

Join Us for Good Friday Services at St. Pius X Parish!

As we get closer to Easter, the Knights of Columbus are encouraging families in the parish community to attend the Good Friday Services at St. Pius X Catholic Parish on Friday, April 2nd, 2021 starting at 12 Noon.

Despite Good Friday’s central nature in the heart of Christianity, attendance at services remains low. Putting their faith into action, the Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 Knights of Columbus in Southgate will encourage participation through a promotional campaign that educates their parishes on the vital importance of Good Friday. The liturgy of the Lord’s passion and death reminds families of the suffering Jesus endured through his passion and resurrection, thereby opening the gates of heaven for each of us.

Setting an example for their community, starting at 12 Noon, our Council will be attending Stations of the Cross, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Meditation of Jesus’ Last Words and Celebration of the Passion of the Lord. All of this will conclude at 3:15PM.

Please join us in this somber but important event. If you have any questions, please call the St. Pius Parish Office at 734-285-1100.

Volunteer Opportunity – Coats for Kids Detroit Distribution

We are inviting all interested Knights and their families to the Coats for Kids distribution (through the Coats for Kids Program) our Council is participating in. Our District has amassed well over 150 coats to give away! (Our Council has purchased 96 alone!)

This volunteer opportunity is open to Knights and their families, as well as Catholic men and their families interested in learning more about what we as Knights do!

It will be an enjoyable event for the whole family.

The event is being held next Saturday, December 12th at:
Basilica of Sainte Anne de Detroit
1000 St. Anne St.
Detroit, MI 48216

Volunteers should arrive @ 9:00 am.
The event should end @ 2:00 pm.
Please send Financial Secretary Ray Bilyk an email ( if you’re interested in attending so that we can alert the District Deputy.

Join Us in a Day of Fast and Prayer – Thursday, September 24th

God wants His world back!

Thursday, September 24th

  • Why did Abraham Lincoln proclaim September 24, 1861 a National Day of Prayer in August of 1861?
  • Why is there a sense of urgency to reclaim our country for God?
  • What can we do to heal the division in our country?

Listen to Fr. John Riccardo as he explains why the urgent need for this National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Watch at

For more information visit

For God’s mercy on our land and healing and conversion of our hearts.

Request from Worthy Chaplain, Fr. Suresh SAC

Dear All

Good morning. Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend. Just want to remind and seek your assistance as done during the weekend announcements.
1. Regarding the help required to drop off the festival ticket books in your city or street. Please contact the parish office for more details.
2. Secondly the request for donation: Painting/Windows. Kindly read the attachment for more details about the improvement work in Church.
Thanks for your support
Fr. Suresh SAC

Volunteer Opportunity: Wednesday, July 1st at 7PM

From our Grand Knight Bill Robert:

Worthy Knights,
Father Suresh has asked the Knights to paint the signs in front of Church yellow and/or blue. Most are the handicapped signs. Would you be able to donate a few hours Wednesday, July 1st at 7 PM? We still have refreshments from our cookout. We world love to see you smiling face!

Bill Robert 
GK 3956