K of C Council 3956 May 2022 Newsletter

Brother and Friends,

The sun is up, the birds are singing, and spring is in the air! It’s a great time to be alive. Yes. There is a great deal that needs fixing in our world, but we are just the kind of people to make it better. One step at a time. Let’s start walking. A new board of officers are excited to get us on our way. Please remember to be at our next meeting on Wednesday, June 1st beginning with a social hour at 6:00 p.m. – Meeting to start at 7:00 p.m.

Come help the students of St. Pius as we join to make their lives better on their Field Day, on Monday June 6th.

Here is the link for the volunteer signups for St. Pius X Field Day below:

St. Pius X School Field Day

Have a Blessed and Happy Memorial Day. Remember those we honor.
God Bless you and your families!
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
P.R. Director, Newsletter Editor and Trustee

K of C Council 3956 April 2022 Newsletter

Friends and Brother Knights,

I have a special request. Our meeting on Wednesday, May 4th begins with our social hour at 6:00 pm, followed by our general meeting and election of officers. We will elect our Grand Knight along with a new board of fresh faces. Please take the time to come. It will mean a lot to those of use that serve so diligently and your parish community.

I look forward to a full house.

God Bless you and your families this Easter Season and always.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Editor and PR Director
K of C Council 3956


K of C Newsletter April 2022

April 2022 Business Meeting Notice

Council 3956 Knights of Columbus April 2022 Business Meeting
(Nominations for Council Officers)

Wednesday, April 6, 2022 – Food/Fraternalism at 6PM – Meeting at 7PM
St. Pius X Church Social Hall

For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food.

The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.


At this meeting, we will opening Nominations for Council Officers for the 2022-23 fraternal year. We will also be discussing the M.I. Drive (Tootsie Roll Drive), our St Pius School Scholarship Fundraiser, Fraternal Benefits Night, Donut Sunday, Good Friday, Delta Membership Drive and other upcoming events!

Topic: K of C Council 3956 Regular Business Meeting (St Pius Social Hall and Zoom)

Time: April 6, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)


Meeting ID: 918 9415 7109Passcode: vivatjesus

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+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

Meeting ID: 918 9415 7109
Passcode: 2907941771

Find your local number: https://us06web.zoom.us/u/kb06Owl7LY

K of C Council 3956 March 2022 Newsletter

To my friends of the Knights of Columbus,
“I Got This!”
That was the message I received as I prayed to God for healing and guidance.
Since our last newsletter, actually in the last few days, we have experienced the ultimate highs and lows in life. On March 17th, we were blessed with a healthy newborn grandson. The next day we were faced with the challenge of our own life. God has our back and through his love and mercy, we must trust in him that brighter days are ahead. Please pray for us and for each other.
God Bless,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Your Newsletter Editor

K of C Council 3956 February 2022 Newsletter

My brother Knights and Friends,

As COVID took its latest swipe on many of us, we find ourselves recovering to a new enlightenment. We are not invincible and we need each other to help each other through the challenges we face. I was not alone. My wife got it as did Worthy District Deputy Ray Bilyk and his wife Jennifer. There are many more of us who have been through this. Keep each other in prayer! We are back and ready for the challenges.

I hope to see many of you at the numerous social events coming up as we have detailed for you in this newsletter.

Remember your Valentine!!!

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Newsletter Editor
PR Director and Trustee


K of C Newsletter February 2022

K of C Council 3956 January 2022 Newsletter

Happy New Year!

I have a feeling. A good feeling. Although it’s cold outside and the latest Covid variant is raging, there’s definitely signs of great hope in the new year. Hope is a very positive and powerful emotion. When we embrace it and give it energy, we grow not only for ourselves, but for the benefit of those who need us.

I encourage you to read the newsletter and find within it hope for yourself.  The theme for this month is fellowship. We quote “Many Hands Make Light Work”. Working together, we have fun and accomplish God’s plan for us.

Welcome to the New Year. Embrace the hope and give it energy.

God Blessing to you and all those you love.

Anthony (Tony Chirco), Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee


K of C Newsletter January 2022

K of C Council 3956 December 2021 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

I hope and pray you and your family are enjoying this Christmas season in peace and good health. Our good friend Deacon Chuck has recovered from COVID with a spirited message of preparedness in this month’s newsletter. New members have joined in the messaging. Please take the time to learn and enjoy all that we are doing here in the community of St. Pius X parish. As we look ahead, we will be partnering once again with our great school in a “Keep Christ in Christmas” Poster competition, a Spelling Bee and a Free Throw competition.

Please be safe and come to our next meeting on January 5th in the Social Hall beginning with refreshments at 6:00 pm. Make becoming more involved in your K of C a part of your News Year’s resolution of self improvement.

Merry Christmas and blessing for a Happy New Year!

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee


K of C Newsletter December 2021

K of C Council 3956 November 2021 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

We are approaching the holiday season and indeed, there are a multitude of reasons to be thankful. We have the love of God, family and friends, and the fellowship of our Brother Knights. We have a new Deacon, Charles (Chuck) Dault. Please read his insight into evangelization as Knights; it is inspiring.

I hope to see many of you at our Jazz Night on Friday, June 19th and our Christmas Dinner on December 4th.

Have a faith filled Thanksgiving Holiday.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956
PR Director, Editor and Trustee


K of C Newsletter November 2021

KnightCast Returns November 11

KnightCast is a groundbreaking new video series from the Knights of Columbus with the aim of engaging today’s Catholic men in a compelling conversation about the Catholic Faith and their own, personal growth as they lead their families in service to the Church. Featuring host Jonathan Reyes as well as guests and subject matter experts in each episode, KnightCast seeks to cover topics ranging from sports and marriage to evangelization and the Saints. New episodes premiere each month at kofc.org/knightcast.

K of C Council 3956 October 2021 Newsletter

We are so excited to become more of a partner with our St. Pius School, its administration, staff and students. They have been nothing short of amazing at helping us with our goals to build a better community. We hope that through reading this newsletter, you too will recognize we each have an obligation to fulfill our purpose of doing good deeds through and with each other. Have a wonderful and peace filled month.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, PR Director


K of C Newsletter October 2021