Category: Faith
Upcoming Special Events for January and February 2024
There are some SPECIAL upcoming events and we wanted to share them with YOU!

Men’s Scripture Club (Cor) – Starting January 20th in the Social Hall. 7:30 to 9:00am. We will meet once a month to start off. We will discuss that weeks Sunday readings and reflect upon them. Arrive a little early for coffee/donuts. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS TO ATTEND! OPEN TO ALL MEN!!! Please see Brian Batko after Mass if you have any questions and would like to join us.

Shrine and Stein Bus Trip – We’ve rescheduled this to Saturday, February 3rd . Bus leaves at 8:00am sharp to go to the Our Lady of Consolation Shrine in Carey, OH. Self-guided tour of the Shrine with a Healing Mass at 11:00am and blessing afterwards with a relic of the True Cross. We will then stop at the Patron Saints Brewery in Toledo, a Catholic owned brewery. Food truck available or you can bring your own lunch. $50 per person and includes one beverage at the Brewery. Non-alcoholic Craft Root Beer available. We will return about 5:30pm. See Brian Batko after Mass starting next weekend to sign up.

Annual Desert Meal – Sunday, February 18th at Crystal Gardens. Come meet and support the Seminarians for their trip to the Holy Land or possibly Rome this year. It’s always a great event and meeting our future priests is sure to strengthen your faith with their vocation stories. Full meal with 2 meats, pasta, potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls, coffee, tea, and dessert. Cash bar available. Tickets are $20 and are available in the Parish office or after Mass starting on the 21st.
If you have any questions about any of these events, please contact Brother Knight Brian Batko at or text/call him at 313-550-1330.
St. Pius Christmas Concert featuring John Tibbs CANCELLED/POSTPONED UNTIL SPRING!
Unfortunately due to a family situation with our featured performer, we have to cancel/reschedule this event until spring.
For any questions, please email Please keep his family in your prayers and thank you for your understanding.

2022 Book and Media Sale for Pallottine African Missions – Sept 9-11 in Wyandotte
Eucharistic Procession on the Feast of Corpus Christi – June 19, 2022 after 11AM Mass
Novena for the Consecration of Russia and Ukraine to the Immaculate Heart of Mary
KnightCast Returns November 11
KnightCast is a groundbreaking new video series from the Knights of Columbus with the aim of engaging today’s Catholic men in a compelling conversation about the Catholic Faith and their own, personal growth as they lead their families in service to the Church. Featuring host Jonathan Reyes as well as guests and subject matter experts in each episode, KnightCast seeks to cover topics ranging from sports and marriage to evangelization and the Saints. New episodes premiere each month at
2021 St Pius Motorcycle Blessing – Saturday May 15th

Join Us for Good Friday Services at St. Pius X Parish!
As we get closer to Easter, the Knights of Columbus are encouraging families in the parish community to attend the Good Friday Services at St. Pius X Catholic Parish on Friday, April 2nd, 2021 starting at 12 Noon.
Despite Good Friday’s central nature in the heart of Christianity, attendance at services remains low. Putting their faith into action, the Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 Knights of Columbus in Southgate will encourage participation through a promotional campaign that educates their parishes on the vital importance of Good Friday. The liturgy of the Lord’s passion and death reminds families of the suffering Jesus endured through his passion and resurrection, thereby opening the gates of heaven for each of us.
Setting an example for their community, starting at 12 Noon, our Council will be attending Stations of the Cross, Rosary, Divine Mercy Chaplet, Meditation of Jesus’ Last Words and Celebration of the Passion of the Lord. All of this will conclude at 3:15PM.
Please join us in this somber but important event. If you have any questions, please call the St. Pius Parish Office at 734-285-1100.