SPECIAL NOTICE – K of C Council 3956 Meeting on Wednesday, March 8th at 7PM (NOT ON ASH WEDNESDAY)

VIVAT JESUS! This is just a reminder that due to our Regular Meeting night being on Ash Wednesday, our Regular Business Meeting has been moved to Wednesday, March 8th starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.

We have a lot of activities coming up (Charity Family Breakfast, Tootsie Roll Drive for Mentally Impaired Citizens, etc.), so I hope that you can join us!

If you can’t join us, consider signing up early for the Charity Family Breakfast:
Charity Family Breakfast signup (get the good jobs early) – http://www.signupgenius.com/go/409084BAAAE29ABFF2-kofc2

I’m attaching a copy of the flyer for the Tootsie Roll Drive for Mentally Impaired Citizens. Please print and hang it up at locations where we can get some visibility. We’re also looking for volunteers. Please considering helping us break our record from last year!

Hope to see you all at our Business Meeting on Wednesday, March 8th (not March 1st)! God Bless!

Ray Bilyk – Grand Knight

K of C Council 3956 Meeting Reminder – Wednesday, November 2nd at 7PM (St. Pius X Social Hall)

VIVAT JESUS! I hope that you’re joining other Brother Knights and families in this country in praying the nine day Election Novena. If you are not, learn more about it here:

This is just a reminder that there is a Regular Business Meeting on Wednesday, November 2nd starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.

We have a lot of activities coming up (Christmas Concert, Charity Family Breakfast, HCCC/Boysville sweatshirt donations, etc.), so I hope that you can join us!

If you can’t join us, consider signing up for the following activities:
Charity Family Breakfast signup (get the good jobs early) – http://www.SignUpGenius.com/go/409084BAAAE29ABFF2-kofc1
Selling Christmas Concert Tickets after weekend Masses – http://www.SignUpGenius.com/go/409084BAAAE29ABFF2-signup

I’m attaching a copy of the flyer for the Christmas Concert. Please print and hang it up at locations where we can get some visability. We’re also looking for sponsors from area businesses. We have a letter that you can use to solicit sponsorships. We are also looking for Brother Knights to take and sell tickets to friends and family (10 to start per Brother Knight). Contact me for details on both.

Hope to see you all there! God Bless!

Ray Bilyk – Grand Knight

Council 3956 Meeting – 6/1/16 – St Pius Social Hall

Annual Election of Council Officers THIS WEDNESDAY, June 1st at 7PM – St Pius Social Hall

Brother Knights,





Here are the nominated Brother Knights so far:

Office (Vote for ONE) Nominated Brother Knight
Grand Knight Ray Bilyk
Deputy Grand Knight Dave Sajdak
Chancellor Ron Cassette
Recorder Scott Corso (pending acceptance of nomination)
Treasurer Walt Kabalka
Advocate Dr Okechukwu Unogu
Warden Scott Corso (pending acceptance of nomination)
David Hughes
Inside Guard Darryl Zilka
Outside Guard Dan McGuire
Three Year Trustee Larry Rossi

NOMINATIONS ARE NOT CLOSED! If you are considering running for a Council position, please attend this very important meeting, where nominations are open one more time before the election during this same meeting. YOU can make a difference in our Council! Consider becoming an Officer! Here is a hand out that explains the basics for each position – Duties of Council Officers. Contact Grand Knight Ray Bilyk (raybilyk@kofc3956.org) if you have any questions.

Also at the meeting, I can’t wait to show you what we won at the Michigan State Convention and what happened while FS Tony Cerezo and I were there.



There will be a cruise fundraiser on the Diamond Jack Riverboat on Wednesday, July 27th. Tickets are $25 per person or $45 per couple (a $5 savings). See the attached flyer for more details – boat-trip-2016! (We have only 16 tickets, and 4 are already sold!)


The 11th Annual Downriver Knights Family Picnic is on Saturday, August 6th at the Lake Erie Metropark. $8 per family/carload includes park admission! More information to follow or check out http://www.kofc3956.org

See you all on Wednesday! God Bless You! God Bless America!

Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight

Council 3956 Meeting Reminder – Wednesday, May 4th at 7PM

My Brother Knights,

VIVAT JESUS! This is just a reminder that there is a Regular Business Meeting on Wednesday, May 4th starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.

We will be opening nominations for Council Officers at that time. If you are interested in helping our Council by becoming an Officer, please attend this meeting. If you would like to know more about a specific position, feel free to attend the meeting or email me (raybilyk(at)kofc3956.org). If you cannot attend the meeting, but are interested in running for a position, please email me as well. After tonight, nominations will be tabled until the June 1st Regular Business Meeting, where we will ask for nominations once more, close nominations and elect Officers.

NOTE: You must be a 3rd Degree member by June 30th in order to become an Officer. (Don’t worry… there are still 2nd and 3rd Degree Initiations being held before then…)

Hope to see you all there! God Bless!

Ray Bilyk – Grand Knight

Council 3956 Business Meeting – Wednesday, March 2nd at 7PM

meetingnoticeJust a reminder to all of the Brother Knights that there will be a very important Business Meeting on Wednesday, March 2nd starting at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall. ALL Brother Knights are expected and encouraged to attend.

As was discussed at last month’s meeting, we will no longer be having a meal prior or following the meeting. Please plan accordingly.

We have A LOT to discuss, as this will be a very busy month:

  • We are hosting a Vatican Exhibit of Eucharistic Miracles on March 5 and 6
  • We are hosting our monthly Charity Family Breakfast on March 13
  • We are holding our annual Drive to Help the Mentally Impaired (Tootsie Roll Drive) on March 18-20

We are discussing the results of our previous events. There may even be a surprise or two at the meeting…

With all of this activity, we need ALL HANDS ON DECK! Please attend this very important meeting this Wednesday. Hope to see you all there!

BUSINESS MEETING – Wed, Dec 2, 2015 (DINNER PRIOR at 6:30PM)

My Brother Knights,


This is just a reminder that there will be a Regular Business Meeting on Wednesday, December 2, 2015 starting at 7PM. It will be held at the St. Pius X Social Hall. NOTE – DINNER WILL BE BEFORE THE MEETING AT 6:30PM!!!

Also, if you sold your tickets to the CHRISTmas Concert (Unspoken Concert Poster), please bring it to the meeting. You will also be able to purchase tickets at that time as well! We need everyone’s help to make this a success!

My wife, Jennifer, also wanted to ask all of you if you could bring 3 dozen cookies to the CHRISTmas Concert. She’s talked to many of the ladies, but I know a lot of you are great cooks, so as a family, we ALL can participate in this way.

We hope that you can join us!

Finally, since I will be unable to attend tonight’s meeting due to a work commitment, on behalf of my family, I would like to wish all of you a very Merry and Blessed CHRISTmas and a prosperous New Year!


Ray Bilyk, FDD, PGK, PFN

Grand Knight – Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 (Southgate)


Reminder and Update on Tonight’s Business Meeting (2015-9-9)

This is just a reminder about our September Business Meeting, which is TONIGHT (Wednesday, September 9th) at 7PM at the Southgate Manor, 15400 Trenton Rd, Southgate, MI 48195

Also, due to the lack of kitchen facilities at the Southgate Manor, there will NOT be a full meal tonight, so it is suggested that you have dinner BEFORE you come this evening. (We are hoping to have ‘snacks’ though…)

Tonight’s meeting promises to be short, and no new topics of discussion will be brought up from the floor.

If you have any questions, please contact me at raybilyk@kofc3956.org .

Hope to see you this evening!


Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956 – Southgate, MI

Special Notice: September Business Meeting RESCHEDULED

September Business Meeting RESCHEDULED to Wednesday, September 9th at 7PM at the Southgate Manor, 15400 Trenton Rd, Southgate, MI 48195

We were unable to have our regular Business Meeting due to the preparation for the St. Pius Festival, so it was rescheduled to the Southgate Manor. We have Brother Knights there that are unable to attend our meetings, so we decided to bring the meeting to them!

If you have any questions, please contact me at raybilyk@kofc3956.org .