The Passing of Former Financial Secretary SK Jim Duke

Former Financial Secretary SK Jim DukeIt is with sadness to inform you of the passing of Former Financial Secretary and Sir Knight James (Jim) Duke on October 27th. He will be cremated and a Memorial Mass and Chalice Presentation will be held at St. Mary, Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church in Rockwood on Monday, November 2nd starting at 10:30 am. St. Mary is located at 32477 Church St., Rockwood, MI 48173.

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen

SUPPORT PRO-LIFE! Attend Life Chain 2020 This Sunday!

Life Chain

We are encouraging all of you (and your families) to attend the 2020 Life Chain. Please follow these links where there is more information on this very important event:

Details for Life Chain 2020
Date: Sunday, October 4, 2020
Time: 2PM to 3:30PM
Location: Corner of Fort Street and Eureka Road (We will line up on Fort Street!)

Please spend some time protecting LIFE. Bring your family and wear your K of C shirts/gear. All we are asking for is 90 minutes AT THE MOST!

See you on Sunday!

K of C Council 3956 September 2020 Newsletter

Happy Labor Day to all our family of Brother Knights and friends. Attached is our K of C Newsletter for September, 2020. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy month. I hope to see each and every one at our next Council meeting on Wednesday, October 7.
God Bless,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Editor and Trustee


Join Us in a Day of Fast and Prayer – Thursday, September 24th

God wants His world back!

Thursday, September 24th

  • Why did Abraham Lincoln proclaim September 24, 1861 a National Day of Prayer in August of 1861?
  • Why is there a sense of urgency to reclaim our country for God?
  • What can we do to heal the division in our country?

Listen to Fr. John Riccardo as he explains why the urgent need for this National Day of Prayer and Fasting

Watch at

For more information visit

For God’s mercy on our land and healing and conversion of our hearts.

FREE Online Membership Deal EXTENDED TO AUGUST 31st! (First step to getting them in OUR Council!)

Join the Knights of Columbus! Click Here!

No one in our Council took advantage of this, but there’s still time! Ask your fellow parishioners, your friends, your family, your friend’s family, your sons, your grandsons, your great grandsons, your neighbors, EVERYONE!!!

  1. Remember, all they need to do is:
    Go to and click the button on the bottom that says JOIN TODAY
  2. Sign up and answer truthfully, then click PROCEED TO JOIN
  3. On the INFORMATION tab, check off I AM INTERESTED IN JOINING A LOCAL COUNCIL and type in Preferred Council #3956 and click CONTINUE
  4. On the PAYMENT tab, enter the code MCGIVNEY2020, and complete the registration.

THAT’S IT! We will contact them to arrange for their Exemplifications of Charity, Unity and Fraternity online… anytime… anywhere!

Robert Jones Council already signed up 11 Catholic gentlemen into our Order using this… We can at least do half of that, right?

If you have questions, or need someone from the Membership Committee to help ‘close the deal’, send an email to for assistance!

Let’s get our quota of 6 by August 31st! We have a lot of work to do, and we can use more ‘joyful missionaries’ for our many projects and programs!

God Bless!

Ray Bilyk, Financial Secretary

Join Us for Free Today – In Honor of Fr. McGivney’s Beatification

Knights Logo

McGivney2020 Hero 4.png

Our founder Father Michael McGivney is officially moving one step closer to sainthood. In celebration of Father McGivney’s upcoming beatification, we are excited to offer new members FREE online membership for their first year.

The Supreme Council will pay the first-year dues for every man who joins before 11:59pm tonight (August 5th) . Enter the code MCGIVNEY2020 to take advantage of this special offer.

Join us for free today with promo code MCGIVNEY2020.
(and don’t forget to enter COUNCIL 3956)


Request from Worthy Chaplain, Fr. Suresh SAC

Dear All

Good morning. Hopefully you all had a wonderful weekend. Just want to remind and seek your assistance as done during the weekend announcements.
1. Regarding the help required to drop off the festival ticket books in your city or street. Please contact the parish office for more details.
2. Secondly the request for donation: Painting/Windows. Kindly read the attachment for more details about the improvement work in Church.
Thanks for your support
Fr. Suresh SAC