Volunteer Opportunity: Wednesday, July 1st at 7PM
From our Grand Knight Bill Robert:
Worthy Knights,Father Suresh has asked the Knights to paint the signs in front of Church yellow and/or blue. Most are the handicapped signs. Would you be able to donate a few hours Wednesday, July 1st at 7 PM? We still have refreshments from our cookout. We world love to see you smiling face!
Respectfully,Bill RobertGK 3956
Please RSVP – A SAFE Gathering of our Council 3956 Family – Wednesday, June 17 at 6PM – Behind the Social Hall
Brother Knights and Ladies,
On Wednesday, June 17th, our Grand Knight is hosting a SAFE Gathering of our Council 3956 Family (yes, Ladies, we mean you too!) with some food, socializing and fraternity.
It will be held BEHIND the St. Pius X Social Hall (outside) starting at 6PM.
Please submit your RSVP by clicking on the link below:
We hope that you can join us!
P.S. – If you know of a candidate (and his lady) that is interested in joining our Council, please feel free to invite them to join us!
June 2020 K of C Newsletter
Brother Knights!
Please find attached our K of C O’Brien Council 3956 Newsletter for June, 2020. We look forward to seeing you at our “Getting Back Together” Cookout outside the Social Hall on Wednesday, June 17th. Bring a friend!
Yours truly,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor
‘Blessed’ Fr. Michael J. McGivney!
A message from our State Deputy Bill Chasse:
PRESS RELEASE 1 press release 2Worthy Brother Knights
Great news from Supreme this morning.
The Pope announces Fr. Michael J. McGivney is declared “Blessed”
One step away from sainthood.
Please see attached.
Bill Chasse SD
May 2020 K of C Newsletter
Council 3956 Newsletter Editor
Knights of Columbus Fraternal Benefits Webinar
We are having a Fraternal Benefits Webinar on Wednesday, May 20th starting at 7PM sharp which is open to all Catholic men and their families.
Hosted by Supreme Council Fraternal Benefits Field Agent Tom Jackson, join us for a one hour presentation on the Knights of Columbus along with the benefits and opportunities for you and your family because of membership in the largest Catholic, Family, Fraternal, Service organization in the world! OPEN TO MEMBERS AND NON-MEMBERS, AS WELL AS FAMILIES!!! INVITE YOUR FRIENDS!
Just click on the link below to get to the sign up sheet:
April 2020 K of C Newsletter
I hope all is well with everyone as we continue to struggle through this pandemic and stay at home order. Please take care of yourselves and your families. Attached is our newsletter for April, 2020. It is as much introspective as it is informative this month. Have as Happy an Easter Season as possible.
God Bless us all,
Tony Chirco
Your K of C Editor
IMPORTANT NOTICE – Meeting Date Change and Charity Family Breakfast THIS SUNDAY (Jan. 12th)
Brother Knights and Friends of Council 3956 –
K of C Euchre Tournament – Saturday, November 16, 2019
Pre-Register NOW ONLINE at https://www.kofc3956.org/euchre