Council 3956 March 2024 Business Meeting – Wednesday, March 6, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6pm – Meeting at 7pm

Location: St Pius X Church Social Hall, 14101 Superior, Southgate, MI

This meeting is open to Members, eMembers and Candidates (if the candidate notifies us to prior to attending)

For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. If you are a candidate or are interested in joining (FREE for the First Year!), please try to arrive by 6PM as well!

The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.


Please check your emails for a link to the minutes of the previous meeting, or contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at for a copy (physical or digital) PRIOR to the meeting.

We hope to see you all there!

Corned Beef and Cabbage or Rueben Sandwich Dinner – Saturday, March 9th at 5pm (after 4pm Mass)

Come join us for a Corned Beef and Cabbage or Rueben Sandwich Dinner!!!
Saturday, March 9, 2024 after the 4:00 PM Mass (5:00PM)
Dinner/Beverage- $15
Rueben Dinner/Beverage- $15
Proceeds benefit K of C Charities
Pre-orders encouraged!

Council 3956 February 2024 Newsletter

Fellow Brother Knights and friends of the council,
February is like the hump day of winter. Winter which got a late start this year should be on the down side now. Before you know it, Spring planning will begin. Well, we are getting a head start. Begin by treating yourself to Shrines and Steins this Saturday, February 3rd.
Also in February is Donut Sunday, after Sunday masses on February 11th and the Annual Desert Meal for Seminarians on Sunday, February 18th at Crystal Gardens in Southgate. Then as the weather begins to warm up, we prepare for the return of our Corn Beef and Cabbage meal after Saturday mass on March 9 and making plans for Brunch with the Eater Bunny and Egg Hunt on March 17th after 11:00 Mass.
Deacon Chuck not only writes his thought provoking article, but submits a letter “to the editor” that is a must read. Co-Editor Robert Park’s reflection  is again worthy of your time. As the newsletter concludes, we announce our Knight of the month and add in a word search for the Lord’s Prayer.  Finally, learn more about St. Valentine and his feast day, February 14th. 
Tony Chirco 
Editor and Brother Knight

Upcoming Special Events for January and February 2024

There are some SPECIAL upcoming events and we wanted to share them with YOU!

Men’s Scripture Club (Cor) – Starting January 20th in the Social Hall. 7:30 to 9:00am. We will meet once a month to start off. We will discuss that weeks Sunday readings and reflect upon them. Arrive a little early for coffee/donuts. YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BE A KNIGHT OF COLUMBUS TO ATTEND! OPEN TO ALL MEN!!! Please see Brian Batko after Mass if you have any questions and would like to join us.

Shrine and Stein Bus Trip – We’ve rescheduled this to Saturday, February 3rd . Bus leaves at 8:00am sharp to go to the Our Lady of Consolation Shrine in Carey, OH. Self-guided tour of the Shrine with a Healing Mass at 11:00am and blessing afterwards with a relic of the True Cross. We will then stop at the Patron Saints Brewery in Toledo, a Catholic owned brewery. Food truck available or you can bring your own lunch. $50 per person and includes one beverage at the Brewery. Non-alcoholic Craft Root Beer available. We will return about 5:30pm. See Brian Batko after Mass starting next weekend to sign up.

Annual Desert Meal – Sunday, February 18th at Crystal Gardens. Come meet and support the Seminarians for their trip to the Holy Land or possibly Rome this year. It’s always a great event and meeting our future priests is sure to strengthen your faith with their vocation stories. Full meal with 2 meats, pasta, potatoes, vegetable, salad, rolls, coffee, tea, and dessert. Cash bar available. Tickets are $20 and are available in the Parish office or after Mass starting on the 21st.

If you have any questions about any of these events, please contact Brother Knight Brian Batko at or text/call him at 313-550-1330.

Donut Sunday Cancelled 2024-01-14


We are sorry for any inconvenience!

Council 3956 January 2024 Business Meeting – Wednesday, January 3, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6pm – Meeting at 7pm

Location: St Pius X Church Social Hall, 14101 Superior, Southgate, MI

This meeting is open to Members, eMembers and Candidates (if the candidate notifies us to prior to attending)

For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. If you are a candidate or are interested in joining (FREE for the First Year!), please try to arrive by 6PM as well!

The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.


Please check your emails for a link to the minutes of the previous meeting, or contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at for a copy (physical or digital) PRIOR to the meeting.

If you cannot attend in person, please check your emails for the email with the link to the Zoom meeting information.

We hope to see you all there!

Council 3956 January 2024 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends, 

Let me be among the first to wish you all a very blessed, healthy and Happy New Year!

The theme of this newsletter is not to dwell on the resolutions not achieved in the past year, but to learn from them a resolute new year. You will notice that some of our upcoming events are repeated in various articles and calendars, this is by design to help you remember them. In particular our first meeting of the year this Wednesday, January 3rd in the Social Hall. This is where it all begins.

Grand Knight Mark Garcellano, as he prepares the agenda for the new year is asking for help in ways that may be more accommodating to your schedule. We each have preferred ways we would like to participate in events, whether it be planning in advance, coming only to the days of the events, or providing details for submission after the event that we can all learn from.

I encourage each of my brother knights and friends to read the newsletter in its entirety to understand for yourself which of these activities may be best suited for you. I assure you many are.

Thank you to GK Mark Garcellano for providing us with a road map of the quarter ahead, and to DGK Dave Kudla for his unique perspective of past events. To SDDR and Financial Secretary Ray Bilyk for his relentless dedication to building our council, and to Deacon Chuck for his contributions in writing and actions for our church and council. Thank you to PGK Bill Robert for his down to earth perspective of our purpose as catholic men, to Brian Batko for his enduring good spirit and dedication to fraternity, and to Dick Gregoire for his lively conversational writing approach to life. Thank you to those of you that have promised your own contributions in the coming year.

Wishing you all God’s grace and personal fulfillment in this new year.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor

Council 3956 December 2023 Newsletter

As we enter the holiday season our council invites each member and their family and friends to celebrate with us. We start with a Christmas Concert on Saturday, December 2nd, featuring John Tibbs, a top-notch entertainer in Christian music. With special guest the Bell Ringer of Christ The King parish John and his guests will bring to St. Pius Church an evening of fun and faith. Please see the flyer on page 4 of the newsletter to learn more.

On Sunday, December 10th, you are invited to our annual Christmas Party at Hungarian Rhapsody Restaurant on Northline in Southgate. Dinner for two is only $25.00 or $12.50 per person. This event has always been a blast. For sure, you will have a great time. Food will be great, and the company outstanding! Page 5 flyer has the details.

St. Nick returns while he warms up for Christmas as our guest of honor for Brunch with Santa on December 17th in the St. Pius School Activity Center after 11:00 Mass. Proceeds go toward out St. Pius Tuition Scholarship. Last year’s event was so well received that registration and wristband are necessary for this year. Volunteers are greatly needed. See the link to sign-up on page 6.

Besides the flyers, each of our contributors has written from their perspective what this season, this council and this community has given to them. As we approach this last month of the year, my hope is that in reading the thoughts of these fine men, you will learn why this council is a gift to you. I assure you, it will make you a better person, more than you thought you could be. I Guarantee It!

Blessing to you all your loved ones this holy Advent and Christmas season.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor

K of C Newsletter December 2023

Council 3956 November 2023 Newsletter

Happy Thanksgiving!

GOD Invented Thanksgiving. Would you agree? After all, all that is good in this world is from God. So, Thank him first. Recall all that is good in your life and find a way to thank the Lord by helping others, here through the Knights of Columbus.

When I joined this council of the Knights of Columbus, it was Dave Sadjak that recruited me. As you will read, Dave has relocated to Florida where he is still active in the St. Anthony Council. Dave was among several officers that welcomed me. People like Tony Cerezo who we lost several years ago, Bob LaForest who I knew when my kids were attending St. Pius school, Ray Bilyk who still inspires me and Dave who I try to stay in touch with. These are the best examples of what a good man is.

I joined with a group of men that continue to give so much of their time and energy. Mark Garcellano is our Grand Knight; Bill Robert is our Past Grand Knight and Bob Schooner was our Past Deputy Grand Knight. Each of them still usher with me at 11:00 mass on Sundays. Now we are blessed by a new group of fine men who have taken on the challenge that is the Knights of Columbus. I won’t name them so as not to forget one or another. Our council has flourished with men who were here before me, joined with me others who become a member more recently. I know there are others among us, perhaps yourself who is ready to be the best version of yourself by becoming more active and volunteering for any of our necessary charitable works.

This month’s articles are among the best I have ever had the privilege to work with. Father Suresh was kind enough to share one of his recent homilies about how we should not expect life to be fair but to know that God is. I hope to see you at mass and are our next event. Read on to find out more.  

Have a safe and blessed Thanksgiving.


Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Newsletter Editor

K of C Newsletter November 2023

Council 3956 November 2023 Business Meeting – Wednesday, November 1, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6pm – Meeting at 7pm

This meeting is open to Members, eMembers and Candidates (if the candidate notifies us to prior to attending)

For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. If you are a candidate or are interested in joining (FREE for the First Year!), please try to arrive by 6PM as well!

The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.


If you cannot attend in person, please check your emails for the email with the link to the Zoom meeting information.

We hope to see you all there!