Tell Lawmakers: Reject the Reproductive Health Act
Council 3956 September 2023 Newsletter
My dear Brother Knights and our friends,
I would like to share a blessing with you. On September 5th my granddaughter was born. They named her Giuliana April, or GIGI as my grandson chooses to call her. I share this with you because of the overwhelming joy that it brings to my heart.
We each have had similar moments in life.
For some of us, it is a wedding, a child born, a special event with family and friends, and for others it is receiving what many of us take for granted: Like a meal, a coat, an embrace from a loved one, or maybe a stranger that shows somebody cares about them. We want more of these moments, and we want others less fortunate to have them as well. As Knights of Columbus, we have a responsibility to offer more of these moments.
In the months ahead you have an opportunity to do just that with us. Think about that as you read our newsletter. Read the flyers as they too in some way give us a chance to use our God given gifts to help those that need us. Coats for Kids is a great example. Raising money for our blessed St. Pius X school at the St. Pius Festival, and fund raising for M-Drive are notable upcoming projects. Also recruiting new members bring more talented men to help us carry the load.
Special thanks to my brother knights who worked hard to put this newsletter together. A shout out to our worthy DD, Ray Bilyk who inspires me and brings to our attention many reasons to be a knight. To GK Mark Garcellano who is an outstanding persona of relentless energy for good purpose. To David Kudla who allows us to articulate his messages. To PGK Bill Robert who steps in when I need him the most. To Robert Park for being my right-hand man. To each of you that help in ways that are absolutely necessary to meet the needs of our community. May you all have special moments and plenty of them.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor and PR Director
K of C Newsletter September 2023Council 3956 September 2023 Business Meeting – Wednesday, September 6, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6pm – Meeting at 7pm
This meeting is open to Members, eMembers and Candidates (if the candidate notifies us to prior to attending)
For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food. If you are a candidate or are interested in joining (FREE for the First Year!), please try to arrive by 6PM as well!
The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.
Please check your emails for a link to the minutes of the previous meeting, or contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at for a copy (physical or digital) PRIOR to the meeting.
If you cannot attend in person, please check your emails for the email with the link to the Zoom meeting information.
We hope to see you all there!
Council 3956 August 2023 Newsletter
My Brother Knights and Friends,
Thank you to my co-editor Robert Park who has taken on the responsibility to prepare “Knights Corner” for the St. Pius X weekly bulletin. Thank you Debie Solis, bulletin editor for working with us each month. Of course, to all our dedicated contributors who again share their talents with you.
Please note that repetition in this month’s newsletter is by design. Events such as the Third Annual Tony Cerezo Memorial Golf Tournament this upcoming Saturday, August 5th, and the Annual Downriver K of C Picnic on Saturday August 26th are mentioned multiple times along with Flyers. These are significant events on our calendar, and we want you to be a part of each.
Fraternity is an important part of any organization. It is a principal part of the Knights of Columbus. We welcome all members to be a part of these. For those that golf (that’s most of us), we encourage you to come and enjoy the day. There is still time to put a foursome together. For those with families (that’s all of us), come to the picnic. Our K of C council will be well represented and there will be fun no matter your age. Kid’s will have a great time and the cost of $5.00 per carload is an amazing bargain. See the flyers for more information.
Our prayer list continues to grow. Please add Larry Rossi, Tom Monteleon and the family of Richard Gregoire. If there are other intentions, please let us know. We are a brotherhood that is there for each other in prayer and support.
At the conclusion of the newsletter, after the birthday and anniversary wishes, and Robert’s poignant reflection is an article recognizing St. Pius X and his feast day on August 26th. I found this fascinating and had to share it with you. His prayer to St. Joseph is added as our Prayer for the Month. Please read it and keep it with you. It is an inspiring invocation reflecting on labor, grace and talents. Have a blessed month!
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor and PR Director
K of C Newsletter August 2023K of C Convention on the Air
Experience the 141st Supreme Convention of the Knights of Columbus live from Orlando, Fla. — and online
Knights of Columbus and family members from around the world — joined by numerous bishops, priests, religious sisters and special guests — will gather in Orlando, Fla., for the 141st Supreme Convention Aug. 1-3, 2023.
Set at the Marriott Orlando World Center the annual convention will include events celebrating charity, unity and fraternity. In addition, participants can look forward to a welcome concert on Monday evening, July 31.
Those unable to attend in person can follow the Supreme Convention proceedings from home.
News, Photos, Videos
Visit for daily updates, live video of major events, and photo galleries. For a closer look at the events, follow the Order’s social media channels — including Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube — and the hashtag #KnightsCon23.
Live Broadcasts
In addition to the livestreams shared at, broadcasts will be made available by several Catholic media outlets: EWTN, CatholicTV, Salt + Light TV, and The Catholic Channel (SiriusXM 129).
Tuesday, Aug. 1
Pre-Convention Broadcast (EWTN) – 9 a.m. ET
Opening Mass – 9:30 a.m. CT
Opening Business Session & Annual Report of the Supreme Knight – 1 p.m. ET
States Dinner – 6:30 p.m. ET
Wednesday, Aug. 2
Concelebrated Mass – 8:30 a.m. ET
Thursday, Aug. 3
Concelebrated Mass – 8 a.m. ET
In addition, these podcasters will be covering the convention:
Council 3956 July 2023 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
Growing up, Independence Day was a special holiday in my family. Both my uncles were vets and marched proudly in the Fourth of July parade. The night before, our families would meet at Bishop Park in Wyandotte to be awed by the fireworks. My Grandfather came to America through Ellis Island to start a new life here. He told me, the first purchase he made was a suit, the second was an American flag which he proudly displayed at the top of his front porch. He instilled in us a pride for what these United States represent: The opportunity to use our God given talents to pursue our aspirations and be the best version of yourself.
As we grew older and started a family of our own, we would carry on the tradition he started. My kids remember fondly the fireworks and parade. Now my grandson will be going to his first parade. I hope that pride we share carries on for you and your families. Deacon Chuck brings it home with his articulate writing, tying together the flag and the cross. This newsletter concludes with a powerful prayer for religious freedom. Read each to your kids and grandkids.
Our third annual Tony Cerezo Memorial Golf Tournament and Luncheon is coming up on August 5th. Get your foursome together and sign up. Members of his council will be given a generous discount. Please sign up online. Hole sponsors are also requested. Details are within this newsletter.
Our general business meeting is this Wednesday, July 5th in the Social Hall. Food and socializing begin at 6:00 and our meeting at 7:00. I look forward to seeing you here!
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor and PR Director
K of C Newsletter July 2023Council 3956 June 2023 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
Congratulations to each of the newly elected 2023-2024 officers of our O’Brien council 3956. To each of the freshman officers, welcome. I assure you, the commitment you have made will be well worth your time and energy. We look forward to your leadership.
We celebrate the number 50 this month:
It is our 50th consecutive issue. It has been a labor of love. Special thanks to my Co-Editor Robert Park who has now, starting in June taken on the responsibility to write “Knights Corner, our weekly contribution to the St. Pius X Bulletin. Thank you to our Worthy DD Ray Bilyk who besides mentoring our council, has distributed, and monitored our newsletter. Thank you to Worth Grand Knight Mark Garcellano for his ireless contribution to our council which includes headlining this newsletter with his thoughts, wisdom, and photos each month. Thank you as well to Dave Kudla, Bill Robert, Brian Batko, and Dick Gregoire who each has contributed their thoughts each month.
The number 50…
May God Bless you both with many more years together in good health.
To all my brother knights and their loved ones, have a great month and remember our general business meeting this Wednesday in the Social Hall beginning with a happy Hour at 6:00 pm.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor and PR Director
K of C Newsletter June 2023May 2023 Business Meeting and Election of Council Officers for the 2023-24 Fraternal Year – Wednesday, May 3, 2023
May 2023 Business Meeting and Election of Council Officers for the 2023-24 Fraternal Year.
Date: Wednesday, May 3, 2023 – 6pm Food and Fraternalism – 7pm Meeting
Here are the nominated Brother Knights so far:
Office (Vote for ONE) | Nominated Brother Knight |
Grand Knight | Mark Garcellano |
Deputy Grand Knight | Dave Kudla |
Chancellor | Dick Gregoire |
Recorder | Sean Roland |
Treasurer | Steven Pochini |
Advocate | Bill Robert, PGK |
Warden | Larry Rossi |
Inside Guard | Stephen Gall |
Outside Guard | Ryan Daw Henry Ibarra Tom Montaleon |
Three Year Trustee | Bob Schooner (pending acceptance) Joe Hernandez Jose Yanez |
NOMINATIONS ARE NOT CLOSED! If you are considering running for a Council position, please attend this very important meeting, where nominations are open one more time before the election during this same meeting. YOU can make a difference in our Council! Consider becoming an Officer! Here is a hand out that explains the basics for each position – Duties of Council Officers. Contact Grand Knight Ray Bilyk ( if you have any questions.
Council 3956 May 2023 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
Our newsletter begins with an invitation to our next business membership meeting on May 3, 2023. We will be accepting more nominations of officers and then elections. These will be the men who will have an opportunity to set the direction of our council for the next twelve months. We each have our ideas of what service to the community is of the most importance. This is an opportunity to set that direction by seeking an officer’s position or becoming a director or project chairman.
For those that just want to help, there will be plenty of opportunities. For those that want a fun time, there will be plenty of opportunities. Upcoming will be our Charity Family Breakfast, The Motorcycle Blessing, Celebration of Mother’s Day, a Red Wing game, a Tiger game, a Euchre game for the adults, planning a parade, a memorial golf tournament, our church festival and more.
As always, I encourage you to read the articles from many of our officers. Each has a message to deliver that is near and dear to their heart. Give them the courtesy of reading what they have to say. See that there are opportunities to volunteer online for many of our upcoming projects. Read on to learn more.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor, PR Director and Trustee
K of C Newsletter May 2023Council 3956 April 2023 Newsletter
Brother Knights and Friends,
Our newsletter arrives in the mist of so much going on. Our council is growing as this past month, we announced five new brother knights will be joining us. Welcome each of you. Your decision to help us build a better community is much appreciated.
Thank you as well to our “seasoned” brother knights who tirelessly work for the greater good. Our school, our associated charities, the less privileged all are much better for the work that you offer for them.
We strongly encourage those who have been reluctant to offer their help, to come to our meeting on May 5th and see for yourself, not only what you have been missing in your life, but see for yourself what others, less fortunate are missing because you hesitate to use God’s gift for the purpose he intended for you.
For the small council that we are, we do so much. Imagine how much more could be offered if more of us come forward. Many of our active brother knights came back. We are so fortunate that they did.
There were a lot of men at our last meeting. My co-editor Robert Park’s reflection observes. “We have not peaked. The men before us laid a foundation for a strong organization. Be hopeful about the future of the Church and the work we have ahead of us.”
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
P.R. Director, Editor and Trustee
K of C Council #3956
K of C Newsletter April 2023