Council 3956 May 2023 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

Our newsletter begins with an invitation to our next business membership meeting on May 3, 2023. We will be accepting more nominations of officers and then elections. These will be the men who will have an opportunity to set the direction of our council for the next twelve months. We each have our ideas of what service to the community is of the most importance. This is an opportunity to set that direction by seeking an officer’s position or becoming a director or project chairman.

For those that just want to help, there will be plenty of opportunities. For those that want a fun time, there will be plenty of opportunities. Upcoming will be our Charity Family Breakfast, The Motorcycle Blessing, Celebration of Mother’s Day, a Red Wing game, a Tiger game, a Euchre game for the adults, planning a parade, a memorial golf tournament, our church festival and more.

As always, I encourage you to read the articles from many of our officers. Each has a message to deliver that is near and dear to their heart. Give them the courtesy of reading what they have to say. See that there are opportunities to volunteer online for many of our upcoming projects. Read on to learn more.

Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor, PR Director and Trustee

K of C Newsletter May 2023

Council 3956 April 2023 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,


Our newsletter arrives in the mist of so much going on. Our council is growing as this past month, we announced five new brother knights will be joining us. Welcome each of you. Your decision to help us build a better community is much appreciated.

Thank you as well to our “seasoned” brother knights who tirelessly work for the greater good. Our school, our associated charities, the less privileged all are much better for the work that you offer for them.

We strongly encourage those who have been reluctant to offer their help, to come to our meeting on May 5th and see for yourself, not only what you have been missing in your life, but see for yourself what others, less fortunate are missing because you hesitate to use God’s gift for the purpose he intended for you.

For the small council that we are, we do so much. Imagine how much more could be offered if more of us come forward. Many of our active brother knights came back. We are so fortunate that they did.

There were a lot of men at our last meeting. My co-editor Robert Park’s reflection observes. “We have not peaked. The men before us laid a foundation for a strong organization. Be hopeful about the future of the Church and the work we have ahead of us.”


Anthony (Tony) Chirco
P.R. Director, Editor and Trustee
K of C Council #3956

K of C Newsletter April 2023

Passing of Carmen Ibarra, Mother of Brother Knight Henry Ibarra

It is with profound sadness that we announce the passing of Carmen Ibarra, Mother of Brother Knight Henry Ibarra.

The Visitation Services will be Thursday, March 16, 2023 at Martenson Funeral Home, Allen Park Chapel at 10915 Allen Rd, Allen Park, from 4pm to 8pm.


She will be In State on Friday, March 17, 2023 from 9:30-10am at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 14101 Superior, Southgate. The Mass of Resurrection is Friday, March 17, 2023 at St. Pius X Catholic Church, 14101 Superior in Southgate at 10am.

May her soul and all the souls of the faithful departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen.

Council 3956 March 2023 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

Blessing to each of you as we enter into this Lenten season.

We suggest you keep this newsletter handy for reference as we enter into March. There is so much going on in the weeks ahead, that we would like you to come back to this as a reminder of what is coming up. Each of these us have responsibilities in our work and family, yet many of us dedicate hours weekly to build our council, which is so important to our community. We humbly ask that you give but a fraction on that time in the months ahead to any of our many programs.

To make it easier to see what may most interest you to help, we have included within our MESSAGE BOARD beginning on page 5 a list of the events coming up. Please glance through and find for yourself what of these most interests you. We ask each one of you to pick at least one (or more), then be there and enjoy the company we share and help others. Lent would be a great time to start!


Anthony (Tony) Chirco
P.R. Director, Editor and Trustee
K of C Council #3956

K of C Newsletter March 2023

Council 3956 February 2023 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,

First and foremost, please make a point to come to our General Business Meeting this Wednesday, February 1st in the Social Hall. See page 3 of the newsletter for the meeting notice and a list of the agenda items to be discussed. There is a lot that is needed and each project is important. Just pick the one that is most appealing and give us and your community a few hours of your time. That’s all we ask.

You will also notice that several flyers are inserted within the newsletter inviting each of us to attend some pretty fun events including DESERT MEAL for our Seminarians in February, our popular CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DINNER and an invitation to a RED WINGS GAME in March. A rescheduled JOHN TIBBS CONCERT is also in March. We continue to be involved with our St. Pius X school with helping with games and hosting a Winter Ice Cream Social for helping raise money and donations for the Coats for Kids program.

Our Grand Knight Mark Garcellano, District Deputy Ray Bilyk, Deputy Grand Knight Dave Kudlas, Deacon Chuck, Past Grand Knight Bill Robert, and Co-Editor Robert Clark all have messages to share. Even yours truly provides some history about St. Valentine and Valentines Day. There is even a Word Search sent by our Program Director Brian Batko.

Remember your Valentine on February 14th!

Anthony (Tony) Chirco, Knights of Columbus #3956PR Director, Editor and Trustee

K of C Newsletter February 2023

February 2023 Business Meeting Notice


Wednesday, February 1, 2023 – Food/Fraternalism at 6PM – Meeting at 7PM

For those of you attending in person, please come around 6PM for some socializing and perhaps some food.

The Meeting will start at 7PM, both online and in person.


Please check your email for one with this information. In it is also the link to the January 2023 Meeting Minutes. To shorten the time for our meetings, we will not be reading the minutes at the meeting. It is your responsibility to review those minutes. A motion will be entertained to approve the minutes as they were sent. (NOTE: If you did NOT receive an email with a link to the minutes, please contact DD/FS Ray Bilyk at

Topic: K of C Council 3956 Regular Business Meeting (St Pius Social Hall and Zoom)

Time: February 1, 2022 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Meeting ID: 898 0409 6888
Passcode: 3956

One tap mobile
+13126266799,,89804096888#,,,,*3956# US (Chicago)
+16465588656,,89804096888#,,,,*3956# US (New York)

Dial by your location
+1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC)
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
+1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
+1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 720 707 2699 US (Denver)

Meeting ID: 918 9415 7109
Passcode: 2907941771

Find your local number:



Worthy Brother Knights,

Please sign up to volunteer at the SPX Home Games.

Here is the sign up link at Sign Up Genius:

We need Knights to do the following:

  1. Share upcoming KofC events.
  2. Recruit potential fathers to join the Knights.
  3. Train volunteers to sell SPX spirit wear items.
  4. If no volunteers, sell SPX spirit wear items.

Attached is the list of upcoming K of C events:


Mark Garcellano, GK
KofC O’Brien Council #3956

Council Calendar January-June 2023