K of C Council 3956 April 2021 Newsletter

Brother Knights and Friends,
Attached is your K of C newsletter for April, 2021. We are busy and getting busier. Nomination and election of Officers is upon us. We are also getting closer to our first annual golf outing coming up in early August. We have our Motorcycle Blessing and Christian concert planned in the months ahead. There is more, much more. We look forward to your involvement and seeing you at our next meeting on Wednesday May 5th as we safely gather for the greater good.
Pray for each other and all who we love.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco


K of C Newsletter April 2021

K of C Council 3956 March 2021 Newsletter

Fellow Brother Knights and Friends,
I hope you are all in good health in body, mind and spirit. Attached is our newsletter for March, 2021. Note the emphasis on more participation beginning with the return of the Charity Family Breakfast this Sunday, March 21st. As we pray for a return to life as we knew it, many people need our help. We need your help.
God Bless,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Public Relations Director, Trustee and Editor

K of C Council 3956 February 2021 Newsletter

Fellow Brother Knights and Friends,
Attached is our February, 2021 edition of our O’Brien Council 3956 Newsletter. We have included a few flyers promoting several upcoming events. Next Sunday will be the St. Pius Free Throw Competition at the Activity Center. Please join us for the kids sake. We will need plenty of help. Special thanks to DD Dominic Raona for adding several state officers to our distribution of the newsletter. 
God Bless,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Trustee, PR Director and Editor

K of C Council 3956 January 2021 Newsletter

I hope the start to the New Year has been good to you are your families. Attached is our January newsletter. Some items of interest include a Fifth Sunday rosary before Sunday masses on January 31st , a reminder of our next membership meeting on Wednesday, February 3, 2021, and an extension of our on line membership drive through June 30, 2021. We encourage you to share this newsletter with work, family and community associates.

God Bless,

Tony Chirco
Trustee and Newsletter Editor



2021 Dues Notices are in St. Pius X Church Ushers Room

Brother Knights:

As stated in last Wednesday’s Business Meeting, I placed the Dues Notices (for Regular and Honorary members) and membership cards (for Honorary Life members) in alphabetical order in the Ushers Room at St. Pius X Church.

Please stop by and pick up yours (and any Brother Knights you might live near) so the Council can save on postage.

On December 15th, the remaining envelopes will be placed in the mail.

Reminder that we are also collecting funds for the State Council’s Take 10 for Charity Program (suggested amount $10) and the Sacred Heart Major Seminary Endowed Scholarship Fund (suggested amount $6). These are voluntary requests.

Besides mailing in your dues/donations, you can also make your payment by credit card (for a $2.00 convenience fee) by heading to https://www.kofc3956.org/pay-dues/ 

If you have any questions, please free to contact me at raybilyk@kofc3956.org .

Have a Merry CHRISTmas!

Ray Bilyk
Financial Secretary

The Passing of Former Financial Secretary SK Jim Duke

Former Financial Secretary SK Jim DukeIt is with sadness to inform you of the passing of Former Financial Secretary and Sir Knight James (Jim) Duke on October 27th. He will be cremated and a Memorial Mass and Chalice Presentation will be held at St. Mary, Our Lady of the Annunciation Catholic Church in Rockwood on Monday, November 2nd starting at 10:30 am. St. Mary is located at 32477 Church St., Rockwood, MI 48173.

May his soul and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen