Our latest newsletter is out right now! Check your emails or you can read it below or download it HERE.
Knights of Columbus 3956 Newsletter 2019-05Tag: Council
March 2019 Regular Business Meeting moved to Wednesday, March 13th at 7PM
Update from DGK Bill Robert:
Dear Knights,
Our Grand Knight, Bob LaForest, has confirmed that our next meeting will be Wednesday, March 13th. Donut Sunday is March 24. Please try to attend this upcoming meeting.Sincerely,Deputy Grand KnightBill Robert
NOTICE OF MEETING POSTPONEMENT – March 2019 Regular Business Meeting
Per our Deputy Grand Knight Bill Robert:
Dear Knights,
Our general meeting which was scheduled for Wednesday, March 6 is Ash Wednesday. Our Grand Knight, Bob LaForrest, is working with Lou to reschedule the meeting. I will send out an email when we know the new date.
The Downriver K of C Family Picnic IS STILL ON!
The Downriver K of C Family Picnic is being held in the Activity Center at Centennial Park in Grosse Ile NOW! $5 a carload!
Food, music, games for kids and adults, drinks, Bingo, and LOTS OF PRIZES!!! Come on down!
July 2018 Business Meeting postponed until July 11th
Due to the 4th of July holiday, our July Business Meeting will be postponed until Wednesday, July 11th at 7PM in the St. Pius X Social Hall.
Updated info on the K of C Free Throw Championship – NEW DATE/TIME/LOCATION
For the parents and Council level Free Throw winners. There is a new date, time and location for the next level of competition.
The new date/time/location of the Archdiocesan Detroit-South Level of Competition is:
Sunday, March 11th
St. Joseph Church, 2565 3rd St, Trenton, MI 48183
Doors open at 2PM for check-in. Competition starts at 2:30PM SHARP!
We’re sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused you. We hope to see you all on March 11th!
Update on the passing of Past Grand Knight and Former Southgate Mayor Robert Reaume
My Brother Knights,
VIVAT JESUS! Here are the details on Worthy Past Grand Knight and Former Southgate Mayor Robert Reaume, who died on November 17th.
Visitation for Brother Knight Bob is from 1 to 8 PM today, November 20th at the Southgate Chapel of the Molnar Funeral Home, 14032 Northline in Southgate.
A scripture service is set for 7 PM tonight, (November 20th). I hope to see as many Brother Knights tonight as possible.
He will also be instate at St. Pius X Parish, 14101 Superior Street in Southgate at 9 AM on Tuesday, September 21st. His funeral Mass will be at 9:30 AM.
Please continue to pray for Worthy PGK Bob and his family. May his souls and the souls of the faithfully departed through the Mercy of God rest in peace. Amen!
Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
Rest in Peace Past Grand Knight Bob Reaume
I was saddened to get the news this afternoon that Worthy Past Grand Knight Bob Reaume had passed away.
No additional details are known at this time. They will be passed along when I know.
May his soul and the souls of the faithfully departed through the mercy of God rest in peace. Amen!
Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
St. Pius Parish Festival THIS WEEKEND and Business Meeting next Wednesday, September 6th
My Brother Knights,
THANK YOU to those of you Brother Knights that have already signed up to help with our Dime Toss Booth. We are looking for more people to assist there and with the Craft Beer Booth that we are handling on Sunday ONLY. To sign up, please follow the link below:
If you still have any glasses/cups/mugs for our WORLD FAMOUS Dime Toss Booth, you can bring them in person this weekend. We can always use more!
I’m attaching a flyer for the festival so you know the hours and what’s happening. Our WORLD FAMOUS Dime Toss Booth will be in the Game Tent, and we’ve also been asked to help on Sunday in the new Beer Garden.
Festival flyer
Festival Parking flyer
Craft Show (during festival) flyer
This festival is very important for us because this is also our MEMBERSHIP DRIVE WEEKEND! We can use EVERYONE who attends to assist in asking eligible Catholics to join us in our good works… that they can see with their own eyes! I’ll make it interesting… FOR EVERY PROPOSER WHO BRINGS IN A NEW MEMBER (and they join us), I WILL GIVE THEM A $5 GIFT CARD FOR LITTLE CAESARS (or a $5 donation in your name to St. Pius)! (No, I don’t get a discount on the pizzas… I wish!) Ask anyone and everyone to join us in the Knights of Columbus!
Next Wednesday, September 6th at 7PM, we will be holding our monthly meeting in the St Pius Social Hall. Please attend if you can. We have a lot to discuss, so we would really like you to know what’s going on.
Hope to see you at the festival this weekend and/or at our meeting next Wednesday!
Fraternally yours in Christ,
Ray Bilyk, Grand Knight
Bernard P. O’Brien Council 3956
Southgate, MI
REMINDER – Council 3956 Family Picnic TODAY at PLAV Post 7 starting at 1PM
This is just a reminder that our Council Family Picnic is TODAY at PLAV Post 7 starting at 1PM.
If you need directions, please follow this link: https://goo.gl/maps/9ebgqZKg3kp
We hope to see you all there!