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Tag: Council
K of C Council 3956 October 2020 Newsletter
Dear Brother Knights and friends,
Please read through the attached October, 2020 issue of our our K of C Council newsletter. Pray for each other and join us in our good works. God Blessings to all.
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Proud Editor and Trustee
K of C Council 3956 September 2020 Newsletter
Happy Labor Day to all our family of Brother Knights and friends. Attached is our K of C Newsletter for September, 2020. Have a wonderful, safe and healthy month. I hope to see each and every one at our next Council meeting on Wednesday, October 7.
God Bless,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Editor and Trustee
FREE Online Membership Deal EXTENDED TO AUGUST 31st! (First step to getting them in OUR Council!)
No one in our Council took advantage of this, but there’s still time! Ask your fellow parishioners, your friends, your family, your friend’s family, your sons, your grandsons, your great grandsons, your neighbors, EVERYONE!!!
- Remember, all they need to do is:
Go to https://www.kofc.org/joinus and click the button on the bottom that says JOIN TODAY - Sign up and answer truthfully, then click PROCEED TO JOIN
- On the INFORMATION tab, check off I AM INTERESTED IN JOINING A LOCAL COUNCIL and type in Preferred Council #3956 and click CONTINUE
- On the PAYMENT tab, enter the code MCGIVNEY2020, and complete the registration.
THAT’S IT! We will contact them to arrange for their Exemplifications of Charity, Unity and Fraternity online… anytime… anywhere!
Robert Jones Council already signed up 11 Catholic gentlemen into our Order using this… We can at least do half of that, right?
If you have questions, or need someone from the Membership Committee to help ‘close the deal’, send an email to membership@kofc3956.org for assistance!
Let’s get our quota of 6 by August 31st! We have a lot of work to do, and we can use more ‘joyful missionaries’ for our many projects and programs!
God Bless!
Ray Bilyk, Financial Secretary
K of C Council 3956 August 2020 Newsletter
Our August 2020 newsletter is attached. Much is planned ahead for us and we look forward to seeing many of our fellow parishioners at mass and our brother knights at our next meeting on Wednesday, September 2nd.
God Bless,
Anthony Chirco
Proud Member
Join Us for Free Today – In Honor of Fr. McGivney’s Beatification
Our founder Father Michael McGivney is officially moving one step closer to sainthood. In celebration of Father McGivney’s upcoming beatification, we are excited to offer new members FREE online membership for their first year.
The Supreme Council will pay the first-year dues for every man who joins before 11:59pm tonight (August 5th) . Enter the code MCGIVNEY2020 to take advantage of this special offer.
Join us for free today with promo code MCGIVNEY2020.
(and don’t forget to enter COUNCIL 3956)
July 2020 K of C Newsletter
Please RSVP – A SAFE Gathering of our Council 3956 Family – Wednesday, June 17 at 6PM – Behind the Social Hall
Brother Knights and Ladies,
On Wednesday, June 17th, our Grand Knight is hosting a SAFE Gathering of our Council 3956 Family (yes, Ladies, we mean you too!) with some food, socializing and fraternity.
It will be held BEHIND the St. Pius X Social Hall (outside) starting at 6PM.
Please submit your RSVP by clicking on the link below:
We hope that you can join us!
P.S. – If you know of a candidate (and his lady) that is interested in joining our Council, please feel free to invite them to join us!
June 2020 K of C Newsletter
Brother Knights!
Please find attached our K of C O’Brien Council 3956 Newsletter for June, 2020. We look forward to seeing you at our “Getting Back Together” Cookout outside the Social Hall on Wednesday, June 17th. Bring a friend!
Yours truly,
Anthony (Tony) Chirco
Newsletter Editor
‘Blessed’ Fr. Michael J. McGivney!
A message from our State Deputy Bill Chasse:
PRESS RELEASE 1 press release 2Worthy Brother Knights
Great news from Supreme this morning.
The Pope announces Fr. Michael J. McGivney is declared “Blessed”
One step away from sainthood.
Please see attached.
Bill Chasse SD